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  • Landlord Jeff

Zion Williamson Doesn't Want to Play for the Knicks

In a recent interview with Duke's Big Three, who are shoe-ins to be the top three picks come this years NBA Draft, the question, "How would you feel if you were drafted by the New York Nicks?" came up. The instant reactions were to not answer the question or to deflect the question to one another. That is, until Zion Williamson told reporters that this was RJ's (RJ Barrett) team. RJ answered with the response that most would expect out of anyone fortunate enough to be put in this position would be saying that if the Knicks were to call his name in the upcoming draft, he would love it. Of course, Zion responded with a similar answer, but by that time he really had already answered.

When you are asked that question and you laugh, hide your face and deflect the question, clearly you don't have the desire to be on that team. I'm not questioning Zion's character; from all accounts he seems like a great guy. His response, though, is low in my opinion. I hated seeing it because I hold Zion Williamson in such high regard. As a Cleveland Browns fan, I know what having top picks in the draft is like, and seeing a top prospect react the way he did when asked if he would want to be drafted by your team is devastating. This is almost similar to when Myles Garrett was asked if he would want to be drafted by the Browns. Of course, he eventually was and has since embraced it and has helped the Cleveland Browns turn the corner. I think Zion Williamson has the capabilities to do exactly that, too; he can embrace and help turn the team he is drafted to around. But come on.

I mean, if I had to pick an NBA team to play on, the Knicks would make the top 5. If Williamson were to be drafted by them, it would lead to great business deals outside of basketball. He would get to call one of the most iconic and historic arenas and venues in all of sports his home court. Zion Williamson would also be in prime position to be the franchise player that the Knicks have yearned for to turn the corner and get the Knicks back into playoff and championship contention. I know you can say Kristas Porzingis is that player, but let's face it, we haven't seen him play since his injury, and the team has yet to reach the playoffs since drafting him. Those are facts. This would also open up many business opportunities for Zion as he would get many endorsement deals with all the businesses and what have you; it's New York City. I mean, he'd probably get to host SNL before he even steps on a New York Knicks court. The possibilities are endless!

I do, however, also see it from the other side. Yes, the Knicks have been the laughing stock of the NBA recently. Yes, they are a mess of an organization, but things were getting better. I think Zion Williamson could be the guy that gets them back on track. Though, maybe I am looking at this all wrong. Maybe they were laughing for a whole other reason. Maybe Zion Williamson was laughing because he knows that there is VERY small chance that the Knicks will be in a position to draft him.

Zion Williamson will be a lottery pick; the Duke Big Three all will be. So maybe he was laughing at the fact that he knows the Knicks won't even be in contention for him unless they trade up. However, the way the NBA Draft Lottery is set up, any of the bottom 14 teams are eligible to get into the top 3 picks in the Draft. Right now, it looks like the Phoenix Suns, Cleveland Cavaliers, Chicago Bulls and Atlanta Hawks will all have better odds of getting into the top three than the Knicks. But, you never know. I mean, if it were me, I'd want Cleveland. From an unbiased, professional and business aspect of it, I would want the New York Knicks to take a dump and shit away the season to get into the Draft Lottery. I would rather play for the Knicks over any of those other four teams because if you make it big in New York as an athlete, the possibilities are truly infinite. For New York's sake, I hope they do get at least one of Duke's Big Three and get where New York basketball belongs, back in the playoffs and back in NBA Championship contention.

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