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  • Landlord Jeff

Worst Super Bowl Ever?

No, this isn’t a whiny post about the missed New Orleans call; I don’t care. My team, the Cleveland Browns, get screwed like that all the time. It happened; get over it. This isn’t even a post about another Tom Brady Super Bowl. This blog is all about why this Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams is going to suck.

I do think it will be a great game; on one side you have Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. I don’t think I need to explain anything there. Then you have this young and hungry Los Angeles Rams team led by Jared Goff (who I knew would be great, while everyone else labeled him a bust), the dynamic running back Todd Gurley, the great Los Angeles Rams defense, and of course the evil genius of Sean McVay, who is a play call guru. This Super Bowl might be one of the best, more intriguing Super Bowl’s in recent memory from a game point of view.

Why I think this will be the worst Super Bowl ever is that who ever wins, it will just be bitter sweet and not taste right. If New England wins, we of course will have to weather the storm of Patriots fans now getting to claim six Super Bowls, and that will get annoying. Also though, if New England wins Bill Belichick will have six Super Bowls, and as a diehard Cleveland Browns fan, that is disappointing because it makes you think what if the Browns had never fired Bill Belichick and fucking Art Modell didn’t suspended the franchise for a couple years before eventually coming back.

Then of course, if the Los Angeles Rams win, that just sucks. I can honestly say I have never met a Los Angeles Rams fan yet. I don’t believe any actually exist, and of course if they win, it will be super sad for former St. Louis Rams fans and just the city of St. Louis in general. What could have been if their owner hadn’t betrayed the city, am I right? If this was a New England vs. St. Louis Rams Super Bowl, this would be a different story, and I think it would be the greatest Super Bowl of all time, but if you aren’t the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles doesn’t care. I mean the LA Kings won the Stanley Cup and like 100 people showed up for the parade. The Dodgers have been making the World Series lately, and when they lose all their fans aren’t even sad; in fact, most of them end up going and celebrating with the winning team and in the process buying the winning team's gear! The only team Los Angeles actually rallies behind is the Lakers, and that is sad. So you expect me to believe that if the Rams win they will have this tremendous backing for a franchise that already failed the first time they were stationed in that city? Not to mention the Rams in Los Angeles virtually play sixteen away games a year because if you watch a LA Rams home game, there are more away fans then home. Even if the Rams lose, the LA fans will just jump over to New England, so it is a lose-lose!

Also, if Tom Brady loses another Super Bowl and doesn’t break the Super Bowl record, anyone who loves football should feel robbed of watching that kind of greatness. Love him or hate him, plays for your team or doesn’t, it would be really cool to watch that in real life and not have to watch replays or read about it.

This Super Bowl has the makings of being a great game, maybe even one of the greatest Super Bowl games of all time, but it is already just the worst Super Bowl ever.

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