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  • Landlord Jeff

Who Should I Root for in the AAF?

The AAF's (Alliance of American Football) inaugural season is about to kick off. The season will begin February 9th of 2019. I, for one, am really excited for this new start up league; I think it will be something that is fun to watch and will give fans a different take on football with its new and unique rules. I am also excited for another new league to begin, the XFL, but that is a subject for another blog. With the AAF season fast approaching, who should I root for? Well, I'm going to start by breaking down the teams and figuring out why I would or wouldn't want to cheer for them.

Orlando Apollos: Now this name screams instant success and fame. Apollo, the Greek God of the sun and music. I have always loved mythology, so this team shines above all else. The color scheme is a nice orange and blue; I like the color combination, plus Orlando is a nice city and attending games would be a great vacation idea surrounded by many other things to do (i.e. Disney, Universal Studios, etc.) The Orlando Apollos are definitely on the top of my list.

Memphis Express: I have always thought the city of Memphis as a whole has been a very misunderstood city. It is a working town. Grit, strength, pride and passion are what make this city great. The team's color scheme of red, white and blue says a lot about the city. I like the team name, the Express, and their catch phrase "All Aboard." I could definitely get behind them with a catch phrase like that. All Aboard! I like it. Graceland (home of Elvis) is there, also (been there, done that). Then there is the fact that a wide receiver by the name of Fabian Guerra, who will be playing wide receiver for the Express, recently followed me on Twitter. To me, that is awesome. I have never had a professional athlete follow me on social media before. For that, I thank him, but it also may give the Memphis Express an edge.

San Diego Fleet: Now, all I have ever heard is absolutely great things about San Diego as a city. It would be a great vacation spot to watch games; why the Chargers left the city is beyond me, but whatever. I would have to say, though, that the main reason

I would support this team is Josh Johnson. I'm not a fan of Washington at all (GO BROWNS!), but I do think it is awesome he will be playing in the NFL and the AAF. Would Josh Johnson be enough, though, for me to support the San Diego Fleet?

San Antonio Commanders: Good name, I suppose. I don't know, though; I'm not hyped for the San Antonio Commanders.

Salt Lake Stallions: Utah. Hmmm. Okay. Interesting. They do have Kenny Bell on their team, which is cool because who can forget the Kenny Bell block. OOOOOOOFFFFF. Talk about a stiff hit. Sleek uniforms, too; this team could grow on me.

Arizona Hotshots: Cool team name, but Arizona is hot as shit. I don't know, man.

Birmingham Iron: The team name has a great connection to its city. I like that. Much like I said about Memphis earlier, there is just a certain king of grit that comes from Birmingham. I saw that they have a player on their team from Garden city CC; I played Garden City CC when I played a year of JUCO ball. Nice connection there. Elijah Campbell from UNI is also on the roster. He's a great player, and I liked watching him play FCS ball against my school. I don't know if I want to travel to Birmingham, though.

It will be interesting to watch how the AAF (Alliance of American Football) plays out on CBS on February 9th. I have decided, during the typing of this blog, that I will NOT be rooting for the Atlanta Legends, San Antonio Commanders, Arizona Hotshots, Birmingham Iron and Salt Lake Stallions. Nothing against them, I just don't know. I like a team and city has has grit. I mean, my favorite NFL team since 2002 is the Cleveland Browns. Cleveland is a city of grit and hard work. I love that. All these cities work hard for what they are known for, no doubt. But I might have to go with Memphis; I mean one of the players does follow me on Twitter; then again, I don't know. Every time I think I have decided, something sends me back into rethink mode. Apollo plays his mystical lyre; then again, Josh Johnson sure is a great story. Memphis, Orlando and San Diego are all in the running. It will be great to see how this league turns out. I am excited and will hopefully make my decision soon.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to comment what team you will be rooting for in the inaugural AAF season!

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